2024年最後、売茶中村のワークショップ「茶話会」のお知らせです。 ご自身でブレンドした大福茶を飲みながら、元日を過ごすのはいかがでしょうか。 古来より、「大福茶」と呼ばれるお茶があります。 大福茶とは、煎茶に小梅干と結び昆布を添えたものです。新年をお祝いし、その年の無病息災を願って飲む縁起物です。六波羅蜜寺を開創した空也上人が、平安時代の疫病下に小梅干と結び昆布を添えた茶を病人に振る舞い念仏を唱えてつ...
Read more[Smoking meeting with producers] Announcement Every cup of tea begins in a tea garden. Who made it, where and with what ideas? If you learn about the story behind the tea, the value of the tea will great...
Read moreDue to the approaching typhoon, we will be temporarily closed on August 15th for safety reasons. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your understanding.
Read moreWe will hold a workshop by reservation in which we will invite the producers and listen to their stories while enjoying some freshly brewed tea. Producer: Joshu Yutani Yamaguchi Seichako Yamaguchi Tachihik...
Read moreThe store is scheduled to open from 11:00 on Saturday, October 22, 2022. Please also check out the official Instagram. → @baisa_nakamura
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